Those of us studying for priethood in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee come from many walks of life. We are college students, college graduate students and working professionals. We come from across the United States and around the globe. We have heard God's call at different times, in different ways. Yet, we all have one goal: to live our faith and share it with others, serving God and His people as priests.
Given our differences, no two seminarians have exactly the same day. Given our shared goal, however, our days have a common purpose: forming us spiritually, intellectually and pastorally. Forming us as persons fully alive in the image of Jesus. Forming us as priests.
Because every man is different, every day is different, but all of our schedules are punctuated by prayer from the Church's Liturgy of the Hours and by the hard work of formation.
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© Archdiocese of Milwaukee Vocation Office | St. Francis de Sales Seminary | 3257 S. Lake Drive, St. Francis, WI 53235 | 414.747.6437