Michael MilamMichael Milam

Configuration I

Parish: St. Anthony on the Lake, Pewaukee

Seminary: Saint Francis de Sales

Birthday: September 17

Intercessor: St. Michael the Archangel

Tell us your vocation story:

My discernment story began in junior year of high school when I felt a restlessness in my heart, an empty place that I knew would not be complete without that portion being filled. I know now that Jesus Christ was working in my heart and spirit, drawing me into something deeper, a plan with great mystery that only He could fulfill.  Through the grace of God, I was able to attend two mission trips leading up to my confirmation that drew me into the life of service and sacrifice for others. After those trips I attended the vocation camp held at St. Francis de Sales and was able grasp what my life could look like by dying to my will and serving the will of God. In discerning this call with my spiritual director Fr. Yockey, I was able to more clearly see God calling me towards the life of a diocesan priest. In this I found great interior freedom and was able to move closer to the heart of Christ in my application to the seminary formation program.

What is the greatest challenge facing a man considering the seminary?

To take the leap of faith, to answer if God is calling you to grow closer to him in holiness and virtue. Especially in our world that promotes ideals directly adverse to those.

What is your favorite Psalm verse and why?

Psalm 34:4, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.” In our uncertain world, I have grounded in the shelter of our Lord.

What are your favorite activities outside of the seminary?

I love to get outside and exercise, especially during the summers when I am able to play golf!

Where do you like to go pray?

Our house chapel here at IHM, Saint John Vianney is a beautiful and contemplative place to pray.

Where do you do your best studying?

Our library here at IHM while listening to some quiet music.

Which saint should people ask to intercede for your vocation?

Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint Anthony of Padua.

© Archdiocese of Milwaukee Vocation Office | St. Francis de Sales Seminary | 3257 S. Lake Drive, St. Francis, WI 53235 | 414.747.6437
